What I'm About


I write fiction of all lengths, from 100 to 100,000 words. I also write  essays from time to time, but my real life is tame so I mostly stick to fiction.


I’m a public school supporter fighting for equity in the Philadelphia School District. Catch me at the latest Board of Education meeting.

Other STuff

I’m the hockey mom of a figure skater, who roots for the Capitals even as I photoshop Gritty into classic paintings.

Who I'm With


Besides serving on the board of Philadelphia Writers’ Conference, I’ve previously taught at: Barrelhouse Conversations & Connections and WriteHive.


I’ve read stories on Micro Podcast; visited regularly with The Liars’ Club; and talked about my love of spreadsheets with There’s a Column for That.


I’ve been President of Kearny Friends and part of Parents United for Public Education. I also served on the statewide Parent Committee of Education Voters PA.


I’ve volunteered on campaigns such as Kendra for Philly and Delgado for Congress and taught ESL at Nationalities Service Center.

Where You've Seen Me

X-R-A-Y logo
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Hobart Literary Journal logo
Mythic Picnic logo
CutBank logo
Apiary logo
Billy Penn logo
Pennsylvania Capital-Star logo
Entropy logo
The Typescript logo
Lilith logo


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What People Are Saying

Stephanie’s writing is fierce. She writes with a driving intensity, and her sharp, quick voice lays bare pretense. Her short fiction is lean, sparse, and makes the reader pause and reflect at every break and every ending.
Jim Knipp
Philadelphia Writers’ Conference
Stephanie is an inquisitive and exacting editor and writer. Her command of prose is peerless.
Sarah Clark
editor of 'Anomaly' and 'beestung'
Stephanie is fantastic at making strong, compelling arguments for our schools using a thoughtful combination of statistics and storytelling.
Zoe Rooney
Parents United for Public Education
It's always disappointing when Stephanie's name does not appear on the meeting speaker list. Her forceful and factual testimony, often pointedly humorous, makes the Board of Education sit up and take notice
Lisa Haver
Alliance for Philadelphia Public Schools

© Stephanie King, 2021